“Puteti reduce destul de mult erorile spirituale atata vreme cat cunoasteti sub ce auspicii astrale ati venit pe lume si catre ce va predispun stelele pe intreg parcursul vietii”, zice pe site-ul personal astroloaga la care fusei eu in toamna.
Tocmai de aia mai citesc din cand in cand horoscopul (desi uit frecvent ce zice in el), imi fac conturi pe tot felul de site-uri, ma intereseaza retrogradarea lui mercur si conjuctia lu marte si ma reped sa comentez pe aceasta tema, daca se iveste, pe blogurile prietenilor – dupa cum facui si cand citii ce scrise Andra, pe luna.
Cert e ca accidentu minor de alunecare in baie cu lovitura sciatica de dimineata nu s-a intamplat din cauza de mercur, ci de inconstienta si neatentie, de care insa a zis la horoscop ca atentie accidente casnice…
Io care sunt o persoana plina de karma prin definitie pt ca sunt o printesa si un spirit minunat si special, din ciclul “toti care ma stie au noroc in viata toti care ma atinge are noroc la bani”, nu pot decat sa spun: Astrology Rulzzz.
Si prin asta ma refer la persoanele umane care studiaza cu indarjire aceasta stiinta superba si prea-matematica cu tentacule esoterice si alte alea si care reusesc sa te faca sa intelegi ca ele nu iti dau decat niste guidelines, nu iti traseaza un destin, ci te atentioneaza asupra alegerilor pe care le faci…lucrurilor pe care le-ai putea schimba sa iti fie mai bine etc
Asa cum sunt nutritionistii sfatuitori de stil de viata sanatos fizic, asa si cu astrologii de calitate care te consiliaza in stilu de viata sanatos spiritual, de educare a vointei si de deschidere catre informatiile care vin din aspectele planetare…, de incurajare sau de alertare…
Una peste alta, Cititul horoscopului pe diferite site-uri va ramane mereu una din distractiile favorite si una din temele de discutii cele mai suculente.
Ca si la boli, lumea isi da cu parerea si la zodii, mai din citite, mai din auzite, mai din experientele personale.
Ea il intreaba pe El ce zodie e sa-si faca procesu de compatibilitate senzoriala, sexuala si de cursa lunga.
La sueta, zodia e parte din barfoteca: “E fecioara fata, sefa mea, o zodie de cacat, toate fecioarele pe care cunosc sunt asa mai anapoda si nu stiu cum dracu au noroc” sau “Fata, e Scoprion, nu-l rata, stii ca astia sunt superbuni la pat, iti face toate alea la sex, iti aduce cadouri, nu fi nebuna, da-i o sansa” ar fi doar cateva mici exemple replicoide…
La Tv, daca n-ai somn noaptea si ai o problema, o depresie, iti stau la dispozitie cativa horoscopisti de ocazie cu care poti intra in direct sa-ti spuna in 2-3 minute ce ascendent ai, daca te mariti, daca te desparti, daca te duci la doctori, daca ti se rezolva rapid cu banii sau cu “problema aceea pe care o aveti”…
Si lista poate continua…
Voi reveni cu detalii zodiacale, barfotecaraie si cu jurnalul lui Saturn, in curand. Stati pe aproape.
Intre timp,
cum ziceam intr-un articol mai vechi:
We need a clue
Most people are intrigued by this rather unnatural type of discourse for a contemporary society…
Horoscopes have become in some way a pseudoreligion. This is a generally pejorative term applied to a non-mainstream belief system or philosophy which is functionally similar to a religious practice, typically having a founder, a basic text, a liturgy and faith-based beliefs. Belief systems such as Theosophy, corporate Kabbalism, Discordianism, Scientology, Objectivism, the Church of the SubGenius and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster have all been referred to as pseudoreligions.
Nostradamus has become for some people a high point of reference or a super-God.
It’s much easier to ask for guidance and trust the immediate predictions than to follow the thin general church lines. In our contemporary society, it seems like God is not enough anymore.
Horoscope internet guru’s like Pasqualina, Sara Freder or others lead the mainstream. They offer hopes for free. If people want some more clues about their path to happiness they accept to pay for books, complete personalized birth charts, forecasts and recipes. The common belief is that an astrologist has not only the talent to see what planets say about people, but he has also the gift of interpretation and maybe clairvoyance.
Horoscopes offer a better discourse than the Bible, in a world where people are more concerned about the present than about their afterlives. They need short-term sceneries and scripts.
“Getting a clue” – about why we do what we do – is the key to making our daily choices and actions feel less “fated” and bringing our lives new meaning. In our day-to-day lives we end up making choices and acting in ways that leave us stuck in mud-filled ruts, traveling down dead-end roads, and continually repeating destructive patterns of behavior that aren’t “working for us.” As much as we’d like to believe that we’re always in full conscious control of our thoughts and actions… we’re not.
In our day-to-day lives, we often “unconsciously” (and compulsively) get “caught up” in acting out various archetypal, typical, universal, inherited, patterns of behavior. (about.com)
“Astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.”, C. G. Jung once said.
Venus brings experiences of love, beauty and pleasure to our horoscopes, Mars still makes us decisive.
We claim that the movements of particular planets are associated with events of various kinds.
We assume that the association of planets with particular qualities is based on centuries of empirical observation, of the ancients looking out and observing that for example Mars generally rose or culminated at the time of conflicts.
What about Pluto? The latest planet to be discovered was named after Mickey Mouse’s dog, but predictably makes his appearance in our charts in his ancient guise as Lord of the Underworld, bringer of upheavals and guardian of buried treasure.
Astrology defends its regularly observed correlations. Some include the applied astronomy of cosmobiology, weather forecasting and the practice of agriculture according to planetary positions. They also include the study of planetary cycles, with its insight into social and economic change. Some consider astrology as strictly linked to the study of birth charts and their various directions, considering that the planetary positions of a moment in the past describe the supposedly continuing nature of an entity in the present. Twelve 300 sectors of the ecliptic, measured from the vernal equinox named after now-far-distant constellations impart qualities to the planets, houses, parts and nodes which we view against ones background.
In horary astrology the Moon’s north node is a point of ill-fortune, but in humanistic astrology it is the direction of personal growth. A planet may be in Cancer in sidereal astrology but in Leo in tropical astrology. Some astrologers often decry Sun-sign forecasts as nonsense, but Sun-sign techniques (turning the chart, transits to “turned” house rulers, lunations in “turned” houses etc.) are in fact part and parcel of standard astrological method.
Vedic Astrology, for example, is technically termed a “sidereal system” whereas Western Astrology is “tropical.” What this essentially means is that up in the sky there are stars which make up the various constellations of the Zodiac such as Virgo, Aquarius, etc. Vedic Astrology is based upon the actual stellar constellations (sidereal), whereas Western Astrology is based on a fictitious zodiac that slowly moves backwards in space as a function of time (“tropic” in Latin means “to turn”).
The rules of traditional, modern (post-Theosophical), sidereal and local space astrology (with its sidereal ancestor Vastu-Shastra) are quite different. Yet how many of us have decided that we would be tropicalists rather than siderealists, traditional rather than modern astrologers (or vice versa) after any process of sober reasoning?
Astrology might as well be an idiosyncratic way of facilitating a superficial access to the control of one’s destiny.
Today, horoscopes have become not only a business, but a major entertainment issue. It’s fashionable. In some cases, the zodiac signs columns are the most appreciated articles. It’s the first thing people come to read in the bus when they open a newspaper or a magazine.
Some of those who really believe their problems could indeed be solved by an astrologist find a well-known specialist whom they pay a fee. And they feel safer if they find out what the stars might suggest.
For most of us, horoscopes are good gossip, conversation topic, networking bits…. It’s all about getting along.
„Țăndări” – primul lungmetraj regizat de Bogdan Naumovici – invită publicul...